Welcome to the 2016 Union Grove Old Time Fiddlers Convention!
PLEASE READ and let us know if you have questions!
- ADULT BANDS may play Friday night, Saturday night, or both. If you play two nights, your best score of the two will be used.
- YOUTH AND ADULT INDIVIDUALS and YOUTH BANDS may play Friday night, Saturday during the day, or both. If you play twice, your best score will be used.
- YOUTH AND ADULT DANCE are Saturday at 5 p.m. at the Arena Stage.
On behalf of our entire family and the good citizens of Union Grove, VanHoy Farms is proud to announce this year's Union Grove Old Time Fiddlers' Convention on May 13th - 14th, 2016. We have made some changes that we hope will make the convention easier and more fun for the contestants and audience.
Click Here to Get the latest Updates on Facebook!
The best in Bluegrass and Old Time music will be showcased at VanHoy Farms, one of the premier venues in the South.
Friday evening and Saturday evening competition will be held under roof at the H.P. VanHoy Arena, with
seating for 10,000 people. Daytime competition on Saturday will be hosted at the H.P. VanHoy Arena and
the Outdoor Stage, which also has ample room.
VanHoy Farms is a full service Campground and can accommodate everyone, from full hookups to primitive tent sites.
Food vendors will be on site during the event. A general store will be open during the convention and will be selling camping supplies, food/water and ice.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at this unique Bluegrass and Old Time tradition... with wonderful pickers and wonderful fans. We hope you and your family will join us this for the Union Grove Old Time Fiddlers' Convention..."You're as welcome here as the flowers in May."
Buy Tickets
Friday $10
Saturday $15
Advanced 2 day $20
Tent/Primitive Camping $10.00
Call for additional info on reservations/pricing for full hookup camping.
We have advanced ticket orders with Visa or Mastercard. If you purchased tickets online, please bring a copy of your receipt and a valid id.
For more information or to order tickets call 704-539-5493.
Friday Night: Arena Stage Only
6 p.m. – Competition for all youth and adult categories (except dance). Judges for all
categories will be present. Come when you are ready, but please play early. Judges
will be released when no more contestants are in line. We don’t want anyone to miss
an opportunity to play by arriving late.
Saturday Daytime: Arena and Outdoor Stages
11 a.m. – Adult individual, youth band and youth individual at the following stages. Come
to the stage designated for your category. You do not need to play in the order
listed. Please play early. Judges will be released when no more contestants are in
line. We don’t want anyone to miss an opportunity to play by arriving late.
- ARENA STAGE – Adult: old time fiddle, old time banjo, autoharp, harmonica,
dulcimer, male and female vocal. Youth: old time band, old time fiddle, old time
banjo, vocal.
- OUTDOOR STAGE – Adult: Bluegrass fiddle, bluegrass banjo, guitar, mandolin,
acoustic bass, Dobro. Youth: bluegrass band, bluegrass fiddle, bluegrass banjo,
guitar, mandolin, acoustic bass.
(In case of bad weather, all competition will be in the Arena. Locations for the categories
will alternate each year. Categories at the Arena stage this year will be outdoors next
year and vice versa.)
Saturday Evening: Arena Stage Only
- 5 p.m. - Youth and adult dance.
- Following dance - Youth awards presentation.
- 6 p.m. - Adult bands. Please play early. Judges will be released when no more contestants are in line. We don’t want anyone to miss an opportunity to play by arriving late.
- After adult bands - Adult awards presentation.
Band Registration & Rules
Competition Rules:
- Bands shall consist of at least three different instruments. All adult bands compete Friday
night or Saturday night, or both. If you play both nights, your best score will be used and the
other discarded.
- Youth (age 16 and under) bands and individuals may play Friday night or Saturday during
the day, or both. If you play twice, your best score will be used and the other one discarded.
- Individual contestants, youth and adult, may enter one category (in addition to band and
dance) and may have one instrument backup of any age. Individual contestants may play
Friday night or Saturday during the day, or both. The highest score will be used.
- Youth contest is for age 16 and under. Youths may enter adult competition if they want but
not both. Youth bands shall consist of at least three different instruments and may have no
more than one person over age 16.
- Contestants who wish to play in the same category twice must do so on separate days.
Please keep your yellow registration form and use it both times. You must use the same
contestant number.
- Electric basses and percussion are allowed in bluegrass bands only. Direct boxes for bass
guitars will be provided.
- Vocal competition is for solo only. Vocalists may play an instrument and have one additional
instrument backup if they wish.
- Dance competition is 5 p.m. Saturday at the Arena Stage. Registration is the same as for
other contestants. All contestants may enter dance, even if they have entered another
individual category. No refunds for dancers.
- In case of broken strings or picks, or a malfunction of the sound system, contestants
affected will be allowed to repeat their performance, playing the same song without penalty.
- Judges’ decisions are final.
Registration is now open and we welcome all musicians.
Make sure to read our registration rules and please, contact us if you have questions.
- There is no registration fee.
- Contestants must purchase ticket of admission. Full refunds will be given to all who compete (except in dance).
- Advance registration is encouraged to help us with scheduling. Register Online or by phone, Email or US Mail.
- If you register in advance, please check in at on-site registration and pick up your form.
- Ticket money will be refunded when musician plays and wristband marked.
Contact Info:
VanHoy Farms
PO Box 38
Union Grove, NC 28689
Email: casey@vanhoyfarms.com
Phone: 704-539-5493